Friday, September 17, 2010

4000 Unemployed NJ Teachers, $4 million deficit for the NJEA.

New Jersey's largest teacher's union recently estimated that there are about 4000 unemployed teachers across NJ this fall. 

If all of those unemployed teachers are no longer paying dues to the NJEA, that's about $4,000,000 (4 million) taken out of the pockets of the local and national teachers' unions.

Yet, the NJEA, which collects a premium from all members is powerless to get anybody their job back.  If it could do something, then it would, because $4 million is a BIG hit to take.

If you are an unemployed teacher, think to yourself, why did you pay dues to a union that can't help you?

Non-tenured teachers are subject to employment at will, so the union can do NOTHING to protect your job.  Non-tenured teachers should consider NOT joining the union this fall, or ever.

Tenured teacher jobs are protected by NJ law, NOT by the union.  Tenured teachers do not need the union to protect their jobs.  Tenured teachers should consider NOT joining the union this fall, or ever.

If you have a job as a teacher this fall, support all of your unemployed colleagues by considering NOT joining the NJEA teacher's union.  The NJEA takes a lot of your money and is truly capable of doing very little. 

The NJEA is just another money mill for political fun on your dime.

1 comment:

  1. My wife is a teacher, and here we are in 2013 and she still hasn’t gotten the raise she deserves. Not sure it will ever come honestly. I agree just as much as anyone that New Jersey needs a change. Christie had his chance to increase employment and failed on several promises to bring more jobs to NJ.
